April 17, 2008

NOT Punk Rock Bitches!



I know, its not my turn to post, IDC, because Hello-Kitty Ipod cases ARE NOT PUNK ROCK! I just saw a group of little 18 year olds walk past sporting their emo Hott Topic labeled Tripp pants and trying to pass neon pink fishnet off as punk rock. Punk rock isn't conforming to the masses by buy every piece of clothing you own at a major cooperation that takes endorsements from the same people they claim are oppressing their target group. Punk rock is not anything from a children's show. Don't get me wrong, I got a slammin' foster's Home blue/cheeze beanie from Hott Topic, but it ain't punk rock.

1 comment:

Panda said...

I would so go typo-monkey all over this but I agree with the point you trying to make so I won't and I Hot Topic would go back to its roots and back to saying fuck you to the world... I miss the Sex Pistols sometimes...