September 23, 2009

Tell Me Baby...What's Your Story...


So in the process of updating our shrine-ala-nyurp and worshiping in our natural and repetative bowing and scraping we discovered Eddie's personal journal. The latest entry read:

Dear journal,
Today Shan grabbed my... face....

The rest of the entry was rather boring blah about his mother sucking away the last dredges of his soul through the constant nagging about his sister and whatever else might cross her fancy. Going back through the last few months there were few posts of interest except for one that was rather suspicious as it was written in German. It was rather short but repeated a few key words such as certain names(Nyurp*cough*Shan*cough*) and 'fantasy'... He must have been embarassed or something... Oh well moving on...

The Shrine has moved yet again to foil Nyurp's constant search and the camera battery died as well... (no we aren't scary stalkers just loyal ones...)

Well I gotta go, I'm dying of boredom cuz class was cancelled and it's more fun to watch Shan pose for artistic photos for her class.
Later, ___
( : )
( : )

(P.S. almost everything in this post is a lie, don't worry we aren't stalkers this was pretty much pure boredom... including the snowman...)

July 06, 2009

Majored in Satisfying Women



Satisfying Women
Surviving the Apocalypse

seriously,, its hilarious

March 05, 2009

Two out of three ain't bad


Blar. I'ma kraken from the sea!!! So, my brother is getting married next spring and I get to go meet his fiance this year. This'll be fun. Especially since before we found out the wedding was moved back to next year Eddie had asked if he could go with me. If he ever meets my brother actually they are going to end up playing the question game for three hours straight, I just know it.

But no, really, I'm glad my brother is with someone he loves and he's going back to school now. He's thinking of declaring his major in photography. Guess art runs in the family. And I would like for my big bro to meet Eddie. I'm just fearful of the aftermath that might occur.

January 20, 2009



Wow... We haven't posted on here in a long time... Well I was bored so I deicided to write something, even though I'm not even sure yet what I'm going to write about. So yeah, a New Semester is starting along with a New Year, and hopefully we can take into consideration all the things we've experienced from our past and see them with a more objective view giving us the lessons we have learned and the lessons we still need to learn. None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes but what is important is that we can move on to hopefully better and brighter things. And for this new year, I want to be truer to myself and thereby more real with the rest of the world and I really need to stop hiding from everything. And I believe that I've learned to problem with making promises to oneself as in the end they are promises and not real so I'm not making promises I'm just going to do the things I know I should do. I need to take care of myself better, do my work, and definitely be a better friend. I can't ignore my responsibilities and I need more structure in my life. I'm going to get a planner and start planning my days and making sure I reach the goals that I make. Hopefully this will help me become a better person and help me to make decisions about what I'm going to do with my life. I still don't want to look too far into the future because I believe that there is no certainty to any of it, but I believe making some plans can't be a bad idea.

So there... that's what I'm going to try to do and hopefully my friends and family won't be negative on my decision to try to better myself. I want to be a healthier person and I'm going to do what I can to do that. I can no longer project my insecurities on others and let my anxieties run rampant. Hopefully, I can find my voice and remember how to use it.

So now that my ranting is over have a fun picture and please enjoy your day!^^ (P.S. I'm thinking about cutting my hair... it's starting to bother my neck... and annoy me... I love it so much but maybe it's a good idea to let it go... I can always grow it back out again if I don't like it shorter... Any ideas?)


October 29, 2008

To All the Things Worth Fighting For


Have you ever felt numb inside and angry at the world? Every little thing sets you off, either making you mad or making you cry. I feel that way right now, I'm torn. Stuck between the fleeting moments of joy when I can laugh and not worry about a thing, and then heartbroken when I have to stop to think and remember that the world is cold and bitter and that I know to many truths. I miss being seven when I would giggle and throw a rock at a boy if I liked him, then go back to doing whatever I was before and never think about him again. I miss being ten when friends didnt go behind friends backs and if you had something to say to a person you just said it. I miss being 17 and thinking I was in love. No, I WAS in love, I didn't just think I was. It was real, but it wasnt what I needed, or even wanted even, and it wasnt what I want the rest of my life to be. I miss being stubborn so that everything was in shades of black and white, no greys and no misunderstandings. I miss when everything made sense and my biggest concern was what I was wearing to prom.

I love college, its been great so far and I think it will only get better. I love that I've grown into my own person with my own views and opinions and that I can back up all of those. I love that Ive learned to see there is more than one right answer and always more than one wrong answer. I love that Ive learned loving someone and being in love with someone are two different things. I love that Ive learned when to stand up for my friends and when to let them do their own fighting. I love that Ive learned which fights to take up, and which arent worth the battle.

Ive learned a few very good lessons in these past three years. And here's what they surrmount to:

-Never fight with your best friend unless your willing to give up that friendship(Tsuki, goodbye forever)
-Never fall in love with someone who you know will break your heart(Eddie, I value our friendship to much to keep waiting for you to like me)
-Never judge a book by its cover, or first ten chapters for that matter. It may take a while to get good, but most "books" usually do(Bob with 2 Bs, Im glad I got to know you)
-Dont yell at your friends because youve lost something important to you, they had nothing to do with it.(Sorry Cheeze)
-You can't fix the world by breaking necks and kneecapping idiots(No matter how much better it will make me feel)
-Dont trust anyone whos thrown you into traffic, even if they were "Joking"(I'm Not Sorry. You've lost my trust)
-Dont work yourself to death(We like you better alive, Jo-Z)
-Dont ever stop fighting for what you belive in.