October 29, 2008

To All the Things Worth Fighting For


Have you ever felt numb inside and angry at the world? Every little thing sets you off, either making you mad or making you cry. I feel that way right now, I'm torn. Stuck between the fleeting moments of joy when I can laugh and not worry about a thing, and then heartbroken when I have to stop to think and remember that the world is cold and bitter and that I know to many truths. I miss being seven when I would giggle and throw a rock at a boy if I liked him, then go back to doing whatever I was before and never think about him again. I miss being ten when friends didnt go behind friends backs and if you had something to say to a person you just said it. I miss being 17 and thinking I was in love. No, I WAS in love, I didn't just think I was. It was real, but it wasnt what I needed, or even wanted even, and it wasnt what I want the rest of my life to be. I miss being stubborn so that everything was in shades of black and white, no greys and no misunderstandings. I miss when everything made sense and my biggest concern was what I was wearing to prom.

I love college, its been great so far and I think it will only get better. I love that I've grown into my own person with my own views and opinions and that I can back up all of those. I love that Ive learned to see there is more than one right answer and always more than one wrong answer. I love that Ive learned loving someone and being in love with someone are two different things. I love that Ive learned when to stand up for my friends and when to let them do their own fighting. I love that Ive learned which fights to take up, and which arent worth the battle.

Ive learned a few very good lessons in these past three years. And here's what they surrmount to:

-Never fight with your best friend unless your willing to give up that friendship(Tsuki, goodbye forever)
-Never fall in love with someone who you know will break your heart(Eddie, I value our friendship to much to keep waiting for you to like me)
-Never judge a book by its cover, or first ten chapters for that matter. It may take a while to get good, but most "books" usually do(Bob with 2 Bs, Im glad I got to know you)
-Dont yell at your friends because youve lost something important to you, they had nothing to do with it.(Sorry Cheeze)
-You can't fix the world by breaking necks and kneecapping idiots(No matter how much better it will make me feel)
-Dont trust anyone whos thrown you into traffic, even if they were "Joking"(I'm Not Sorry. You've lost my trust)
-Dont work yourself to death(We like you better alive, Jo-Z)
-Dont ever stop fighting for what you belive in.

August 21, 2008



Well, school starts again on monday, I'm taking four classes and one of them has eddie in it...thats gonna be fun.

July 30, 2008



They say you can tell a lot about a woman by the contents of her purse. I believe that to be true. I don't think you can generalize everything about her by digging through her Goochi, but, what do I know? Anyway, so...here are the contents of my purse, and what they say about me:

Canvas Wallet; black: I like to keep my things organized and all my money/ID in one place

Pepper spray; military grade: I live in the city and while I can fight, I'd rather run whilst my assailant is on the ground crying

Twenty $ in tens and fives: I recognize the ease of cash and dislike large amounts of small bills

Keys: It's always good to have access to ones house at the end of the night

Pink Diamond Lipgloss from Revlon: Soft lips are sexy lips, lol

One pack of Orbits Sweetmint Gum: Minty fresh without the cold bite

Eye Drops: I wear contacts

June 12, 2008

Summer is Cancelled


Ok, So get this peeps, I won't be able to go to San Diego after all, which sucks royally since I wanted to see my cuz and catch some rays on the beach. Better luck next summer I guess. Well, I won't be able to go because I work security at Shit's, and the only other security guy working there is going to Germany for three weeks, which happens to cover the time I was going to spend in the California sun. And since he requested time off before I did, I got vetoed. I guess it's not such a bad thing though because now all the money I was going to spend in San Diego can go towards getting a nice car and a fall wardrobe. Sorry Cheeze, sorry Eddie. Maybe we can just spend a weekend at the lake or something.

June 03, 2008

So this is why people dislike public transportation...

POSTER: A rather irritated Cheeze

So this afternoon, I had just left my local Sam Ash music store, where I had gone with my boyfriend (he'd come to visit me earlier in the day, and he needed a decent guitar method book and I wanted to get something that I learned was called a capo for my guitar, I'm loving the thing by the way!). Because both of us are broke-as-hell college students and can't afford cars, let alone rising gas prices (but that's another rant for another day), we had taken the city bus from my dorm to the store. We split up after leaving the store, because he had to go home and obviously I was returning to my dorm, and so I got on the bus by myself. Now, being on the bus by myself is no big deal, I've been riding it alone since high school and I'd never had any problems... until today.
Now picture this. It's actually a very nice bus (because further along the way it stops at the airport and airports gotta keep their customers happy, right?), doesn't smell bad or anything, but it was a little bit crowded, probably because rush hour was not quite over yet and people were still on their way home from work. I notice that a few people are standing and pretty much every seat is filled -- except for the two in the very middle of the bus, across from a young black woman who was probably in her mid- to late twenties (who, by the way, was wearing what looked like a sweater that barely covered her overweight behind, and nothing else except heels), and a little girl who was probably anywhere from seven to ten years old, possibly her daughter or younger sister, etc. Nobody else looks like they're gonna sit, so I take one of the seats and check my cell phone. Sure enough, Shan had texted me earlier so I called her back as the bus began to move. While I was on the phone, the little girl took an interest in me. She bent over, almost in my lap, to see what was in the bag that I had (the bag was clear, so it's not like she was looking inside a shopping bag or anything, and it's only a capo so it was rather small anyhow). I didn't mind, little kids get curious. Then, she took her foot and started to drag it down my leg. Now, I was wearing jeans (thank God!) and I was sitting with my legs closed in front of me, so I crossed the leg she had touched over the other. I thought maybe she had done it by accident, like little kids do. But no! She did it again, on the leg that I had just crossed over the other. I ignored it again, but she continued to do it a few more times. After a couple of times, I pushed her foot away with mine when her foot touched the ground. Keep in mind that I'm still on the phone. I looked the little girl straight in the eye and she stared right back at me, obviously knowing full well what she was doing. I crossed my legs the other way, thinking maybe she wouldn't be able to reach, but she was, and she continued to drag her shoe slowly down my leg. Even after I got off the phone, she continued to do this, even though I looked her in the eye as she did it a few more times. I said nothing though, and I did not look at the woman who was with her, though I did catch out of the corner of my eye that she seemed to be ignoring the whole situation. I didn't want to make a scene, and it didn't look like the girl was going to stop, so I just ignored it until I finally got too annoyed, and I moved seats when the bus stopped to pick up some more passengers. When I did, the woman said aloud to me, "Thank you." You can decide for yourself what that meant, but I know what I think it meant and it makes me furious but I'm not going to play the race card. What made me even angrier is that they got off at the very next stop! I wish I could have had just a little more patience to wait until they got off the bus. I don't know what that would have proved but I think it would have proved something.
Anyway, that was the climax of my day. People are... interesting.

May 21, 2008

Got Milk?


OMG! Schools out and I have free time! What the hell is free time?!?!?! In two days of not having classes I managed to finish unpacking everything in my livingroom and kitchen and get the whole house clean as a whistle. I even watch "The Magdeline Sisters" for the first time, that movie was more disturbing to me than Clock Work Orange. I've even went and got picks and a spare set of strings for my guitar and practiced for like, 2 hours straight yesterday. I think I'm running out of things to do, and all this is even with work....man, how am I gonna survive the summer? I'm already resorting to doing stairs and suicides((for those who don't know, they're exercises))

Ah well, at least I'm killing my time being productive instead of wasting it all playing video games*cough* nyurp *cough* lol, nah, I tease...and only cause he'll never read this anyhow.

May 19, 2008

Let's go swimming!

POSTER: Skippety-bamf (aka Cheeze)

Well, dorm life is certainly working out for me so far. I have so much time just to chill and take care of myself (::GASP:: SHAVE MY LEGS? NEVER!) now. :]
And my boyfriend comes back home probably this Saturday. Hooray!

Anyway. If you haven't already, you should check out PureVolume.com.
It's a great website to find awesome new music and listen for free!
So now:
1. Go to website
2. Search "Flobots"
3. Listen to MAYDAY!!! and HANDLEBARS.
4. Enjoy. :]

May 14, 2008

That's hella fuckin' bomb ass!

POSTER: Cheeze-it

I made these. :]
Some were intended to be cursors.
Made them in microangelo animator and converted to .gif with some program I downloaded a 3 day trial of. XD
I don't take credit for all the ideas though.
Obviously some of them aren't very good as they were my first attempts and ideas. And there are a lot of hearts just because those are like the easiest things ever to pixel. XD

May 12, 2008



Pimpin' 101: The ten commandments of Pimpin'

1.)Get your cane

2.)Get your Hoez

3.)Do "the walk"

4.)Dress the part

5.)Carry a wad of ones wrapped in a twenty

6.)Surround yourself with hott chicks you don't know

7.)Wear teh bling

8.)Speak so no one can understand a word you say

9.)Slap a lot of asses and a lot of faces

10.)Don't get arrested, but make it look like you're fightin' with the fuzz

May 08, 2008



I Just BROKE my TOE! It hurts!!!!!

May 06, 2008

Say Somebody, Has got to Say it All


Music, Cooking, Dance, Movies, Speeches, Painting....all just forms of art, all inspired by mother nature and human nature. And you know that any work of art is successful when you can feel it resonating through your entire body, you can feel it, live it, breath it with every fiber of who you are; and, what works for me, may not work for you. Just because something is a masterpiece for one person, doesn't mean that it resonates in everyone else. Our jobs as artists is to find the frequency that touches the most people, weather it's with awe, love, joy, happiness, sorrow, separation, fear, loathing, or any other emotion we could possibly conjure, that's our job, as human beings, as creatures capable of creating.

I just the need to be inspiring ((hopefully)), and btw, yes, that is MY quote. Credit me if you use it.

May 05, 2008

I Could Stay Lost In This Moment Forever


So yeah because it needed to be done, here is the vid to the Be Cool Hunny Bunny scene:


So yeah it has subtitles in Portugese but whatever, they are still speaking English. Have fun watching kiddies!


With or Without You


I got told I had to post, so Valla! Here I am to save the day! And to complain that I am currently surrounded by the two biggest dorks I know and they can't stop talking about zombies because Eddie is playing Doom3.........I'm only catching about every other word, and there's something about hacking going on here, and I think I just got offered money to get down on my knees.....damnit Eddie. Well, back to work for me...*kneels down*

May 04, 2008

I know that you never loved meeeee

POSTER: Cheeze

Today's theme is: crap from Cheeze's slow PC. (I use my laptop usually.)

Scoobies? :O
I want to play this video game. XD
Hex codes, a nerd's best friend.

Wallpaper - bear blasting
Oooo, prettyyy...

And We Stare Each Other Down Like VIctims In The Grind


Alright so I couldn't help but share more transformer boredness with everyone so here is a somewhat animated version of the comic that begot the Transformers movie. Tranformers Beginnings:

Episode 1: here

Episode 2: here

Episode 3: here

Episode 4: here

so yeah, Bumblebee talks and Sector Seven are assholes, please enjoy!

May 02, 2008



So yeah, just saw the movie and because I don't want to ruin it I will just say that it was....BOMB ASS!!! Yep, I had to go there. Because it was, it just fucking was. So yeah, go see if you can/want. I highly recommend it. That's all for now execept for any Transformer lovers out there, (sadly so ver few T_T) Please read if you are so inclined, it is the awesome (It's kinda long so reader beware):

Title: How to Tell the President 101
Word count: 1539
Characters: Numerous
by: vixens_shadow
Notes: I didn't use current candidates. Just...blegh. Too many politics involved in that.Also, this has only had beta in a few spots and is kinda splotchy. Please correct if you see anything out of whack.

How to Tell the President 101

“You know, when I took this job, I didn’t think there’d be hidden meetings…well, not within the first week anyway.”John Keller gave a curt nod to his latest ‘charge’, a man by the name of Michael Rosenbaum, the latest President-elect for the United States. Rosenbaum was a no-nonsense man with one hell of an insight on foreign policy, as he’d be soon to discover, he had no idea just -how- foreign relations would truly be. Rosenbaum and Keller had been sent by the current President on what appeared to be a National Guard helicopter that was inbound for the west coast. All President-elect Rosenbaum had been told was that there was a debriefing he must attend and there was no physical way it could be conducted in the White House. “I do apologize for the veil, Sir, but there’s just no other way to do this right now.” Keller said, speaking into the headset of the aircraft.“No need to apologize, John. I trust you on this.”“Thank you, sir.”“And who, might I ask, is our pilot today?”Keller paused a moment, fighting a cringe. “Ah, sir this is…”“Evan, sir. Pleasure to meet you.” the pilot answered, casting a glance over his shoulder as he spoke.“Evan. Right then. Thanks for taking us out today.”“My pleasure, sir.”“About how long do we have left in the air?” Rosenbaum asked, shifting in his seat a little after having remained still for several hours now.“You don’t get airsick, do you sir?” Evan asked, smiling.“No, no. I just like my solid ground.”Boy, are you gunna need it… Keller thought, giving the pilot a wry glance.“I’ll be touching down in about 10 mike.”Rosenbaum nodded and turned his gaze out the window of the chopper, seemingly content to watch the scenery.“Hey…isn’t that the Hoover Dam?” he asked, turning back towards Keller.“Yes sir. The meeting will be held inside.”Rosenbaum raised an eyebrow at the response but shrugged it off. Within minutes, Evan had the orange chopper on the deck and the two passengers were swept into a waiting black pickup truck. Once both were settled, Rosenbaum looked over at Keller. “So, do I get a clue now?”“Sir?”“A clue. Do I get one?”“It’s in regards to Project Refugee, sir.” Keller said, watching as the truck silently made it’s way down various corridors deeper within the dam’s structure.“Really? Doesn’t that have something to do with border relations in regards to airspace?”“Something like that. Sir, all I can tell you now is that everything will be cleared up very shortly. And I’ll apologize beforehand.”“You do that a lot, you know.”“You’ll see why.”The truck drove silently, save for the grumble of the engine, as it made its way into the infrastructure of the dam. It stopped before a pair of sealed doors and idled.“What’s going on, John?” Rosenbaum asked, giving the doors a weary glance.“Sir, I’ve got to tell you, that what you are about to see beyond these doors will probably shock the daylights out of you. But I assure you, you’ve been under the best protection available since the start of the trip and that you have nothing to fear once we cross this threshold. But I need you to trust me…and please try to not freak out too badly.”Rosenbaum blinked owlishly at Keller before looking back at the doors visible through the windshield of their escort’s truck. “Okay, John. I trust you.”Keller nodded and gave the truck’s dash a pat. “Let’s go on, then.” he said, signaling the quiet driver onward.The doors before the truck opened with a shuddering groan, slowly parting and revealing an opening far larger than what the truck should require. As soon as the doors were clear, the vehicle moved on.“Sir, welcome to the Hoover Facility and the core of Project Refugee.” Keller watched impassively as the driver of the truck vanished as soon as the vehicle was still and the passenger doors had been opened.“Show off…” he grumbled, exiting the vehicle. Rosenbaum didn’t move. He looked, for all intents and purposes (not to mention the numerous times Keller had seen this particular expression) like a fish out of water as he gaped at where the driver had once been. Moments later, his gaze diverted out the windshield and his mouth snapped shut. Keller had seen them all as soon as they stopped but the sight of at least a dozen robots, some as tall as a few stories, walking around and conducting their business was awe inspiring as it came. “Sir?” Keller inquired, leaning back into the black vehicle when said vehicle’s engine growled.“Yeah?” Rosenbaum said, breathless.“Could you exit the vehicle, sir? He’d like to uh…well, move.”The man blinked at the SecDef before finally sliding out of the rear seat. As soon as he was clear, the door closed and the truck moved away, sans a driver, of course.“Please tell me I’m not dreaming this…” he asked, his initial shock turning to fascination at the sight before him. “No, sir. You’re not. There’ll be a full explanation forthcoming very soon. For now, let’s get out of the way and see about maybe finding you a chair.” Keller explained, guiding the President-elect to a human-sized bar type area.The truck transformed and made his way to an unoccupied area and watched his two current charges. The President-elect’s awe continued up until the point that a bigger being, predominantly orange and white, sporting rotor blades on its back, entered the area through the hanger lift.“John?”“Yes, sir?”“That’s our helicopter.”“Yes, sir.”“It’s not a helicopter anymore.”“No, sir.”“Right. I’ll take that chair, now.”Rosenbaum remained seated, back to the bar, watching all the current activity that was going on.“Wow.” he breathed. “Just…wow. I take it these guys aren’t…native?”“No, sir, they aren’t. You’ll be meeting their leader later on.” Keller explained. “Sir, I’m sorry for the shock but we’ve discovered that no amount of reports or briefings can ever really prepare anyone to see these guys.”“What are they doing here?”“On Earth?”“No, the Hoover Dam…”“Oh. In-processing mostly. You see, they use the dam as a central point for acclimation. It’s protected and secluded from prying eyes and yet, so far out in the open that no one ever suspects it.” the SecDef explained. “They’ll move elsewhere later on.”Rosenbaum simply nodded and occasionally shook his head. “Wow. So our pilot and drivers…”“Yes, sir. All holograms generated by the mechs. Your motorcade vehicle to the lift pad was one by the name of Richochet, one of their infiltration specialists. The chopper is Evac, predominantly search and rescue.”Rosenbaum looked at him, puzzled. “You make them out to be an army…”“They are, sir.” Keller said, giving a curt nod to the pair of mechs that made their way over. “Sir, this is Jazz, their First Lieutenant, and Ironhide, the weapons specialist.”“You’re telling me that we’ve had an entire -army- of robot aliens hiding in our own country for…for…how long, now?” he asked, exasperated and ignoring the newest introductions. “Sir, please. Everything will be explained when you meet with Prime.” Keller said, motioning beyond the President and waving someone over. “President Rosenbaum, this is Reggie Simmons, current departmental liaison to Project Refuge.” John Keller said, giving the wave towards the seemingly ever-smug man. “Welcome, sir. First off, I’d like to say that it’s an honor and a pleasure to make your acquaintance and that if you need-”“Simmons?” Rosenbaum interrupted, holding his hand up in a gesture of silence.“Yes, sir?”“-What- is going on here?” he asked, exasperated and flinching as one of the mech’s steps caused the surface to vibrate slightly. Keller sighed, waiting for ‘the other shoe to drop’, so to speak.“Okay, you want the long version or the short one?” Simmons asked, gesturing to the various sizes of mechs and the few seemingly acclimated humans.“Uh…short is probably good…”“Okay. Big cube, kinda looked like a dice, made little guys, made big guys too, and can bring said guys back from the dead. Big guy followed it, hit the north pole, flattened a few reindeer,” “Haven’t seen Santa since…” Jazz quipped, earning himself a smack on the head from Ironhide.“-and took a ten thousand year popsicle nap. That one” Simmons continued, undeterred as he pointed at Bumblebee, “made the big cube a small cube, big guy thaws out, all hell broke loose, shit hit the fan and stuff went boom. Big fight, little extortionist kid with the crazy Camaro kills the big guy, we dump a few bodies and voila, current situation.”Rosenbaum stared at the man for several long moments before blinking upwards at the now crouched mechs and then his escort John Keller before doing the only sensible thing any human could do. He spun around on his stool, ordered a double scotch on the rocks (which the bartender, a seemingly unfrosted man, had already prepared and set before him), downed it, and promptly let his forehead thump across the bar.

sorry the link wasn't working... so yeah later people,

April 23, 2008

Low Rider is a Little Higher(The Infallible Eddie)

POSTER: Shan and Cacique

So, since Eddie and Nyurp have Never posted their Bios, your friendly neighborhood Spiderwomen are here to do it for them. So, we're gonna tell you all about Eddie and his faults in this episode of "Guess who's right"

Eddie....where to start....well, he's ....um....complex. Yea, that's a good word. He is also infallible, according to himself.He'll never ever say it out loud, but he thinks so, and when you get to know him you can tell from the way he acts, that he thinks he is God. He just doesn't get why no one else sees it the same way he does. He's a riot though, real funny when you get to know him, and with an unusually large repertoire of crude jokes that you would never expect to come out of the mouth of this quiet little boy.

He also is HUGE D&D dork, and is in love with all kinds of weird music and bands you've probably ((rightly so)) never heard of. I mean, lets face it, he has ever Flogging Molly CD and CDs by some guy who's music genre is titled "Punk Gypsy Folk Rock." Don't ask, it's better if you don't know. Um....if you catch him playing video games, then he seems like a normal 20someting, you know, shooting his buddies in the head, smashing cars into guardrails, and throwing magic missiles at goblins, but don't ask him about fantasy games, seriously, cause then he dorks out. He's the only guy I know who can kick my ass at racing games, and it annoys me to no end. He's better at first person shooters than me because he spends most his free time playing Halo3 or Rockband with Nyurp. And yes, he's joined the Rockband gang, ugh.....

He is extremely spontaneous though, and if he's interested in something, then he will concentrate on that thing until he gets bored, but if he's not interested, then OMG, it's the end of the world if you try to get him to participate! The trick is learning how to make it seem like it was his idea, cause then he'll be interested, like Twister.....you just gotta mention you have twister, wait a few hours for him to ask if you were gonna play, then say he has to play too since it's his idea. It works. Pst, don't tell him we know how to manipulate him, kk? Good.

He really is one of the funniest guys we know, simply because he won't talk to someone if he thinks they aren't worth his time, and for that most people think he's shy, which means it's usually a shock to the system when he does or says something that most people find offensive, but sadly, we're used to. That and, ya know, he plots world domination...still not sure if he's serious about that one or not. And he is so fun to embarrass.

Seriously, you know how ever group of friends has that one person who blushes at every sexual innuendo, that's our Eddie! You wanna see him turn redder than a tomato in July? Just start flirting with him. The funny part is, in order to try and regain some of his confidence, he'll start playing along after a few minutes, than say something to totally embarrass himself, and go hide in a corner dorking over D&D with Nyurp.

He's also a spaz. Can't sit still for more than ten seconds, seriously, I've counted. And, he'll randomly jump up, or get two inches from your face or throw his hands in the air and scream, just because he hasn't moved in the last five seconds. So, watch out for random Eddie attacks.

Let's see, what else can I out up here about our Eddie? IDK, maybe Cheeze will add something to this later, for now, that's it. I can't think of more to list today.

Low Rider Is A Little Slower (The Fallible Nyurp)

POSTER: Panda & Shan

So because Nyurp and Eddie won't post we are posting bios for them; and of course explaining their faults. So anyway, Nyurp is a mechanical engineering major and normally a complete math/physics dork. He sometimes has a sense of humor and usually won't shut up about whatever it is he's ranting about at the moment. Normally we just ignore him unless he sometimes touches topics we have some interest in, such as religion, females, and things he's being a smartass about. He's quite self-centered, as are we all in different ways, and usually only does things for his own benefit unless you can somehow convince him to be nice to you or that he could possibly benefit in some way from doing whatever it is that you intended for him to do for you. Normally, he has his own agenda of what he needs to do and has no intention of telling what is on that agenda and coincidently has no intention of deviating from that agenda in regards to your wants or needs. If you want something done that deviates from his plan you have to figure out how you are going to fit it into his schedule. He also believes he is rarely incorrect about anything. Be prepared to argue any point with him whenever.

Now, he isn't always a complete asshole and is occasionally a good conversationalist as well as being a source on random amusement for us all. He's usually quite energetic and can't sit still and he can sometimes be found perching on random furniture much like a cat ( http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2005/2181462747_fe4744bace_m.jpg ) or gargoyle ( http://www.abaxion.com/bh15.jpg ). He usually is dorking over D&D with Eddie, or anyone else who showed enough interest for him to pay specific attention to, unless you give him something else to do such as a book, or Cheez's computer.

He has recently found an interest in 4chan, especially the animal threads, and is happy to share with everyone around him whatever he might be interested in at the moment. He has an interest in music as he plays the trombone, and attends a Bapist Church. His other interests pretty much include video games, some movies, a feew computer games, and books usually revolving around the fantasy genre.

Okay so if he wants any other info posted here he can do it himself otherwise welcome to the world of the fallible Nyurp. There are maps for sale but they are invisible, good luck!

April 22, 2008

Image dump - Christian texts

POSTER: Cheeze louise

I made all these, but feel free to use them as you like.
The tag on all the images ("themessage") was placed there to ensure credit to the site I used to post these on.