June 03, 2008

So this is why people dislike public transportation...

POSTER: A rather irritated Cheeze

So this afternoon, I had just left my local Sam Ash music store, where I had gone with my boyfriend (he'd come to visit me earlier in the day, and he needed a decent guitar method book and I wanted to get something that I learned was called a capo for my guitar, I'm loving the thing by the way!). Because both of us are broke-as-hell college students and can't afford cars, let alone rising gas prices (but that's another rant for another day), we had taken the city bus from my dorm to the store. We split up after leaving the store, because he had to go home and obviously I was returning to my dorm, and so I got on the bus by myself. Now, being on the bus by myself is no big deal, I've been riding it alone since high school and I'd never had any problems... until today.
Now picture this. It's actually a very nice bus (because further along the way it stops at the airport and airports gotta keep their customers happy, right?), doesn't smell bad or anything, but it was a little bit crowded, probably because rush hour was not quite over yet and people were still on their way home from work. I notice that a few people are standing and pretty much every seat is filled -- except for the two in the very middle of the bus, across from a young black woman who was probably in her mid- to late twenties (who, by the way, was wearing what looked like a sweater that barely covered her overweight behind, and nothing else except heels), and a little girl who was probably anywhere from seven to ten years old, possibly her daughter or younger sister, etc. Nobody else looks like they're gonna sit, so I take one of the seats and check my cell phone. Sure enough, Shan had texted me earlier so I called her back as the bus began to move. While I was on the phone, the little girl took an interest in me. She bent over, almost in my lap, to see what was in the bag that I had (the bag was clear, so it's not like she was looking inside a shopping bag or anything, and it's only a capo so it was rather small anyhow). I didn't mind, little kids get curious. Then, she took her foot and started to drag it down my leg. Now, I was wearing jeans (thank God!) and I was sitting with my legs closed in front of me, so I crossed the leg she had touched over the other. I thought maybe she had done it by accident, like little kids do. But no! She did it again, on the leg that I had just crossed over the other. I ignored it again, but she continued to do it a few more times. After a couple of times, I pushed her foot away with mine when her foot touched the ground. Keep in mind that I'm still on the phone. I looked the little girl straight in the eye and she stared right back at me, obviously knowing full well what she was doing. I crossed my legs the other way, thinking maybe she wouldn't be able to reach, but she was, and she continued to drag her shoe slowly down my leg. Even after I got off the phone, she continued to do this, even though I looked her in the eye as she did it a few more times. I said nothing though, and I did not look at the woman who was with her, though I did catch out of the corner of my eye that she seemed to be ignoring the whole situation. I didn't want to make a scene, and it didn't look like the girl was going to stop, so I just ignored it until I finally got too annoyed, and I moved seats when the bus stopped to pick up some more passengers. When I did, the woman said aloud to me, "Thank you." You can decide for yourself what that meant, but I know what I think it meant and it makes me furious but I'm not going to play the race card. What made me even angrier is that they got off at the very next stop! I wish I could have had just a little more patience to wait until they got off the bus. I don't know what that would have proved but I think it would have proved something.
Anyway, that was the climax of my day. People are... interesting.

1 comment:

Shan said...

at least you never had the old man with dry blood on his head sit down and start asking if you were going on a journey just because you have a backpack.