May 05, 2008

With or Without You


I got told I had to post, so Valla! Here I am to save the day! And to complain that I am currently surrounded by the two biggest dorks I know and they can't stop talking about zombies because Eddie is playing Doom3.........I'm only catching about every other word, and there's something about hacking going on here, and I think I just got offered money to get down on my knees.....damnit Eddie. Well, back to work for me...*kneels down*


Panda said...

wow... I didn't know you were being that open about your whoring now... huh...learn something new every

Cheeze said...

XD wow guys, I leave you alone for a day and you have Shan on her knees... ROFL ::DRAGON THING BOBBY DID THIS MORNING::
btw, "voila" is like French or something like that... XD