April 15, 2008


POSTER: Cheeze

Just so ya know, this is (mostly) copied from my Facebook profile because I'm too lazy to write another. XD

I'm just an overworked college student. I practically live in the Fine Arts buildings out here at the University of Neverland, studying Music Education, busting my butt and feeling inferior to the many great musicians I'm surrounded by. In my rare hours of downtime, I'll be found chilling in the student union with that loud group in the corner of one of the lounges, playing anything from Big Bad Voodoo Daddy to The Postal Service much too loudly from somebody's laptop, randomly cracking inside jokes and maybe constructing a couch fort or three. We're five very different people who just happen to hang out way too much... XD Naw, we really all care for one another in some way, I think. :]

Sometimes I feel like I'm on top of the world... finally in college, getting ready to live out my dream of being a teacher, kicking it with my awesome friends, in love with an amazing guy, learning to live for God. I have my rare moments of genius; and when I fail at life (which is a lot... I'm really good at putting my foot in my mouth), it's usually more funny than sad.

Other times I feel like I'm just a nobody, one of billions of In N Out-nourished students who don't get enough sleep, are easily embarrassed, and are mad at their parents. A casualty of our anxiety-prone society. Someone who wouldn't be missed... but I suppose I'm just learning what the world is really like. It might be tough, but so far I've managed to remember that it'll all be worth it in the end, and what doesn't kill me will ultimately strengthen me... someday.

Also, I'm not the kind of person who is good at hiding their emotions. I'm so bad at it in fact, I don't even really try anymore. ^_^; Coupled with the fact that I like to speak my mind, it gets me in trouble sometimes... okay, a lot. So if I like you or don't like you, you'll know, whether I want you to or not. I'm pretty shy at first but I really open up when I get comfortable with someone.

Well, what I'll mostly be posting here at BCHB will be music related or related to my other interests as outlined in my profile. I'll also be the one designing and changing the layouts here, maybe with a little help from Shan eventually as she is the resident art major. ;D

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