April 23, 2008

Low Rider is a Little Higher(The Infallible Eddie)

POSTER: Shan and Cacique

So, since Eddie and Nyurp have Never posted their Bios, your friendly neighborhood Spiderwomen are here to do it for them. So, we're gonna tell you all about Eddie and his faults in this episode of "Guess who's right"

Eddie....where to start....well, he's ....um....complex. Yea, that's a good word. He is also infallible, according to himself.He'll never ever say it out loud, but he thinks so, and when you get to know him you can tell from the way he acts, that he thinks he is God. He just doesn't get why no one else sees it the same way he does. He's a riot though, real funny when you get to know him, and with an unusually large repertoire of crude jokes that you would never expect to come out of the mouth of this quiet little boy.

He also is HUGE D&D dork, and is in love with all kinds of weird music and bands you've probably ((rightly so)) never heard of. I mean, lets face it, he has ever Flogging Molly CD and CDs by some guy who's music genre is titled "Punk Gypsy Folk Rock." Don't ask, it's better if you don't know. Um....if you catch him playing video games, then he seems like a normal 20someting, you know, shooting his buddies in the head, smashing cars into guardrails, and throwing magic missiles at goblins, but don't ask him about fantasy games, seriously, cause then he dorks out. He's the only guy I know who can kick my ass at racing games, and it annoys me to no end. He's better at first person shooters than me because he spends most his free time playing Halo3 or Rockband with Nyurp. And yes, he's joined the Rockband gang, ugh.....

He is extremely spontaneous though, and if he's interested in something, then he will concentrate on that thing until he gets bored, but if he's not interested, then OMG, it's the end of the world if you try to get him to participate! The trick is learning how to make it seem like it was his idea, cause then he'll be interested, like Twister.....you just gotta mention you have twister, wait a few hours for him to ask if you were gonna play, then say he has to play too since it's his idea. It works. Pst, don't tell him we know how to manipulate him, kk? Good.

He really is one of the funniest guys we know, simply because he won't talk to someone if he thinks they aren't worth his time, and for that most people think he's shy, which means it's usually a shock to the system when he does or says something that most people find offensive, but sadly, we're used to. That and, ya know, he plots world domination...still not sure if he's serious about that one or not. And he is so fun to embarrass.

Seriously, you know how ever group of friends has that one person who blushes at every sexual innuendo, that's our Eddie! You wanna see him turn redder than a tomato in July? Just start flirting with him. The funny part is, in order to try and regain some of his confidence, he'll start playing along after a few minutes, than say something to totally embarrass himself, and go hide in a corner dorking over D&D with Nyurp.

He's also a spaz. Can't sit still for more than ten seconds, seriously, I've counted. And, he'll randomly jump up, or get two inches from your face or throw his hands in the air and scream, just because he hasn't moved in the last five seconds. So, watch out for random Eddie attacks.

Let's see, what else can I out up here about our Eddie? IDK, maybe Cheeze will add something to this later, for now, that's it. I can't think of more to list today.

Low Rider Is A Little Slower (The Fallible Nyurp)

POSTER: Panda & Shan

So because Nyurp and Eddie won't post we are posting bios for them; and of course explaining their faults. So anyway, Nyurp is a mechanical engineering major and normally a complete math/physics dork. He sometimes has a sense of humor and usually won't shut up about whatever it is he's ranting about at the moment. Normally we just ignore him unless he sometimes touches topics we have some interest in, such as religion, females, and things he's being a smartass about. He's quite self-centered, as are we all in different ways, and usually only does things for his own benefit unless you can somehow convince him to be nice to you or that he could possibly benefit in some way from doing whatever it is that you intended for him to do for you. Normally, he has his own agenda of what he needs to do and has no intention of telling what is on that agenda and coincidently has no intention of deviating from that agenda in regards to your wants or needs. If you want something done that deviates from his plan you have to figure out how you are going to fit it into his schedule. He also believes he is rarely incorrect about anything. Be prepared to argue any point with him whenever.

Now, he isn't always a complete asshole and is occasionally a good conversationalist as well as being a source on random amusement for us all. He's usually quite energetic and can't sit still and he can sometimes be found perching on random furniture much like a cat ( http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2005/2181462747_fe4744bace_m.jpg ) or gargoyle ( http://www.abaxion.com/bh15.jpg ). He usually is dorking over D&D with Eddie, or anyone else who showed enough interest for him to pay specific attention to, unless you give him something else to do such as a book, or Cheez's computer.

He has recently found an interest in 4chan, especially the animal threads, and is happy to share with everyone around him whatever he might be interested in at the moment. He has an interest in music as he plays the trombone, and attends a Bapist Church. His other interests pretty much include video games, some movies, a feew computer games, and books usually revolving around the fantasy genre.

Okay so if he wants any other info posted here he can do it himself otherwise welcome to the world of the fallible Nyurp. There are maps for sale but they are invisible, good luck!

April 22, 2008

Image dump - Christian texts

POSTER: Cheeze louise

I made all these, but feel free to use them as you like.
The tag on all the images ("themessage") was placed there to ensure credit to the site I used to post these on.

April 21, 2008

Cool stuff, and a short rant

POSTER: Ch-ch-ch-cheeze

Something that annoys Cheeze:
People who push their kids around in strollers... when the kids are obviously perfectly capable of walking by themselves. Seriously. If your kid is like six years old, and capable of walking far enough to get to the little mechanical horsey in the mall and get on for a ride, they can walk fine by themselves. :/

Be warned, some images might be a wee bit disturbing. (ie, pyramid head.)








April 17, 2008

NOT Punk Rock Bitches!



I know, its not my turn to post, IDC, because Hello-Kitty Ipod cases ARE NOT PUNK ROCK! I just saw a group of little 18 year olds walk past sporting their emo Hott Topic labeled Tripp pants and trying to pass neon pink fishnet off as punk rock. Punk rock isn't conforming to the masses by buy every piece of clothing you own at a major cooperation that takes endorsements from the same people they claim are oppressing their target group. Punk rock is not anything from a children's show. Don't get me wrong, I got a slammin' foster's Home blue/cheeze beanie from Hott Topic, but it ain't punk rock.

Get a Clue


Alright, don't get me wrong, I love the guys I hang with, in a non-creepy, non-committal kind of way of course. I even don't mind the guys I'm not actually friends with, but have to see on a regular basis.....but some people need a clue, really. For one, just because I have breasts and a vagina does NOT mean I'll sleep with you. I don't get the guys that walk up to a woman and start hitting on her, not casually flirting, but really laying it on, and not in a bar or anything, but on a college campus or while I'm working at fuckin Shit's. For those of you who think it's a good idea to hit on a woman, and be crude about it, when she's trying to go to class, walking down the street, or is stocking a box of Jim Bean.........take a few lessons from me:

1.)Do not start the conversation with "How old are you?" Just don't do it dick weed. Do you have an idea how annoying it is for your first question to be asked ONLY for the purpose of finding out if we're jail bait or not? How would you like it if some cougar walked up to you and asked, "Are you legal?" It's the same concept because we know it means the same thing.

2.)Do not start the conversation with "Do you have a boyfriend?", because to a woman, that says, "Can I fuck you without getting my teeth punched in?" It makes us feel like objects and any woman with an ounce of self respect will turn you down right there.

3.)Do Not start the conversation with a crude remark about how hott she is, or how cute an ass she's got, or how you wanna bang her. I mean, honestly, what makes you think that'll work? Complementing us is fine, it's great even, just don't be crass about it. Tell us you like some piece of jewelry we're wearing, or that we've got a cute outfit on, or a pretty smile, but don't go "OMG, Your HOT!"

4.)Standing close to someone when you're trying to pick them up or get a number is understandable, but realize that just because you want to be close enough to smell what she had for breakfast, doesn't mean she wants you that close. Also, watch her body language dumb ass, if she steps back or looks uncomfortable, give her room, don't get closer.

5.)Also, touching is BAD! Unless you're getting the come hither smile and she's leaning in towards you, don't fuckin' try to touch her. And if you do try to touch her when she's not making it painfully obvious that thats ok, then I hope she's a black belt and kicks you in the nuts so hard that you choke on 'em. But mostly, remember, NORMAL women don't want to be grabbed or pinned to a wall by a complete stranger, it's not as sexy as in the movies. Plus, can you say "Sexual harrassment lawsuit" or "Sexual assault?" I can.

Then there's the whole thing about guys who are "just friends" and either don't get the signals women are sending them, or are sending weird signals themselves. I don't have any advice for this other than just sitting down with your friend and being prepared to speak openly and be aware of the risks of that conversation. You can loose a good friend by making a point out of wanting to change your relationship when they either don't want to, or just aren't ready yet. That's not to say you shouldn't try. I'm just saying, know your friend and think about whether they'll be ok with how you feel if they don't want a relationship, and think about if you'll be alright with the idea of rejection. Then also think about the whole thing of would you rather have that person as "just a friend" and wish them well in other relationships, than risk not having them in your life at all if you don't get together? And would you be able to wish them well with other people? But seriously, one of the most hurtful things between two friends when one has feelings and the other doesn't, is once you've confronted the issue, the friend who isn't crushing on the other can be real cold and distant often times, trying not to lead the other on. I know you don't want to lead a person on if you aren't interested in them, but the best way to deal with that is to not change your friendship at all, just to say in a very clear and concise manner right off the bat that you don't like them that way. Then you try to avoid complementing them to much or hanging on them, but nothing else should change.

I'm not a relationship expert, and I'm not some guru on picking up chicks, I'm just a normal girl who knows what I do and don't like when a guy is hitting on me, and who's had a few crushes on really good friends before, and knows how much of a jerk a guy can be when he's your friend and is afraid of leading you on after he's already said he doesn't like you. But seriously, about the first part, the guys trying to pick chicks up, GET SOME CLASS!!!

April 16, 2008

You Wreck Me Baby, Yeah, You Break Me In Two


So Ronna wanted me to post more infomation on the new Transformers movie and I'm going to rant about it a bit and put in some links for anyone who has more interest. Including this link for all TF fans: http://tformers.com/

A few weeks ago I found out from other TF fans that they in fact were creating a second Transformers movie and apparently someone got access to a leaked storyline for the movie basically outlining everything that was to happen in the second movie to be titled, "Reign of Starscream." Fortunately this is definetly subject to change as Michael Bay has openly said that they have released some false leaks to keep some secrets.

The storyline tells the story of Starscream going back to Cybertron and deigning himself as the new Decepticon leader. He influences a group of Decepticons including his wingmates, Thundercracker and Skywarp, to come with him back to Earth to destroy the Autobots. While he is doing this, another group of Cons that are still loyal to Megatron and led by Soundwave, make a plot to come to Earth and revive Megatron using Soundwave's power and the Matrix of Leadership now resting in Optimus Prime's Spark Chamber. On Earth, Sam is starting college at Princeton and making new friends while still hanging with Bumblebee as his personal guardian. More Autobots are reaching Earth as well as the two groups of Cons and pretty much all hell breaks loose with the cons attacking Sam at school and then Sam and Bee running back towards the Autobots while finding out a bit more about what the government has been hiding about the Allspark. Megatron gets revived, the military teams up with the Autobots and the battle breaks out in Las Vegas ending with lots of destruction and the possible death of Optimus and/or Mikaela. (who is returning as Sam's love interest) In Las Vegas there is also a con against con fight going on while they are attacking the Autobots and humans who are trying to protect Allspark energy tha tis apparently in the Luxor. (I can't find the link for the leak right now but I'll post it if i find it later...)

At the moment there is filming going for the movie in Arizona and filming is planned to happen in June in Philadelphia. ( http://tformers.com/transformers-transformers-2-filming/9274/news.html ) There is was also news of Shia getting hurt but he plans on definetly being in the movie: http://tformers.com/transformers-shia-injured-on/9258/news.html Some other information about new characters such as Sam's roomate has also been leaked but really isn't that important. ( http://www.iesb.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4663&Itemid=99 ) There is also a comic out for any interested people that is based on the movie: http://tformers.com/transformers-the-reign-of/9140/news.html

So yeah, The storyline pretty much makes it sound like this is going to be at least a 3 movie thing because so far the end to this one is not exactly favorable. I'm really looking forward to seeing more Autobots and cons (such as Prowl, Soundwave, Ultra Magnus, and the twins, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, and the return of Barricade and/or Devestator to name a few.)

And some fun stuff just because:


Dewbot! : http://www.hasbro.com/default.cfm?page=browse&product_id=21170

and: http://www.sharperimage.com/us/en/catalog/product/sku__HB411 because I know I want one...

so yeah thats the end of the rant for now... more to come later...byes!

Image dump: Dungeons & Dragons-related motivationals

POSTER: Cheezey cheeze cheeze

Nerds: they're starting to breed.

Keith Richards: Level 12 Bard Lich

Bluff: put enough ranks in it, and you don't need combat skills.

Multiclassing: because wizards run out of spells.

Chaotic good: because rules are for pussies. (Gregory House)

Chaotic neutral: some find sanity a little confining. (The Shining, "heeeere's Johnny!" scene)

Lawful evil: conform or die. (The pope, looking rather menacing, with pointed crosses photoshopped in.

April 15, 2008



So, as hopefully everyone now knows, I'm an art student. And let me tell you, the one thing that any REAL artist can not stand at all, is art theft! Now, understanding that anyone with half an ounce of integrity or talent hates art theft because you take someone elses sweat and blood and claim it as your own, guess what some stupid little bitch-tard did in my art class, that's right, art theft! And not anything small either, no, this girl did it BIG! Well, if you're gonna do something, you might as well do it so you make an impression. I guess I'm starting in the wrong place though, let me explain how we can to learn that this idiot, Hello-Kitty-Girl, plagiarized a well known artist.

F.Y.I. I call her "Hello-Kitty-Girl" because IDK her real name, and she always wears hello kitty stuff, like, lots of it....LOTS and LOTS of it!!! But, aside from her horrible fashion sense, and the fact that a grown woman in her twenties wears T-shirts, jeans, sneakers, and a necklace all covered in an idol from a children's show ((and thats not to mention the backpack, don't get me started on the backpack)), she's an idiot. So, in my art 107 class, which is a 2D design class based on the use of ink and paint, we were given a project to CREATE a design which appears flat and lacking of any dimensionality, make a copy of OUR OWN design, and then flesh out the copy so that the flat design then has the illusion of depth and dimensionality. Mine was inspired by 1930s jazz posters and is reminiscent of several well known New Orleans artists, however, mine isn't a copy of any of their work, it was simply inspired by. Everyone has influences in their art, so much has been done in the history of the world, that it's hard if not impossible to make something completely original and never seen before. But what she did was not "inspired" by the work of another artist, it was the work of another artist.

Has anyone seen "Totoro"? I hope so, because it's a good anime movie. Well, anyone that has seen it knows the scene where totoro is standing on a tree with that little mini rabbit thing next to him, and they both have leaves on their heads and it's raining. Well, we were presenting our projects this morning in class, and Hello-Kitty-Girl goes up to present "her" design. Well, she holds up a picture that's the lineart for that scene in the movie, as she says "This is MY design..." the guy sitting next to me, who realized the same time I did what movie the art was from pipes up ((probably without thought)) "Dude! That's fuckin' Totoro! I just saw that movie for the first time last night! That was.....fuckin.......you.......you drew that?" It was funny to watch his face go from "I love that movie" to "You art thief" in a matter of seconds. Well, needless to say, because it's a fairly popular movie, a lot of people in the class had seen it, so We're all just staring at Hello-Kitty-Girl. The teacher, not having seen the movie, asks what Totoro is, and once we explain its a movie, she turns to Hello-Kitty-Girl, smiles, and asks her to continue....in the most condescending tone I have ever heard come from a human mouth. So, Hello-Kitty-Girl, goes on to finish her presentation, trying to make it clear that it was her design, she also mentions how she had another design, but liked that one best.......idiot.

I think the best part was when the teacher asked to see Hello-Kitty-Girl after class.

See, it's bad enough to copy someone else's art, and FYI, even if you re-draw the pic, if you haven't changed anything, it's still art theft, but it's just dumb to steal the art of a well known artist and re-draw something that thousands of people know about. See, here's my theory, art theft should be punished in worse ways than simply being expelled from college and ridiculed by your peers. The torture should start by stringing the art thief up by their thumbs. Hang them from the ceiling with meat hooks in their back maybe. And from there, carve into their flesh the piece of art which they claimed as their own. Yea, that would work. Then parade them around naked so all can know what horrible crime the committed. I'm telling you, art theft is one of the cardinal sins in my book.

Graphic resource - icon dump number one!

POSTER: Cheeze

Well I guess Panda gets credit for our first post with content, but here I am with MORE! Hooray.
These icons weren't made by me or anyone else in the Scoobie Mafia. Most of them came off of image searches on Google, Photobucket, etc.

Today I'll post 10 MUSIC-related icons.

The words are lyrics from a Breaking Benjamin song.
"You take the breath right out of me..."

I often burst out with random dance moves.
... no really, but mostly I look like a demented penguin ^^;

The words are lyrics from a song by Brand New.
"Every line is about who I don't want to write about anymore."

Pardon me while I burst into song.

Okay, this isn't really the proper dimensions to be an icon, but it's still pretty awesome.

A famous line from the musical Grease.
"Tell me about it, stud."

Tonight the headphones will deliver you the words I can't say.
(Not sure if these are lyrics or not....)

The words are lyrics from a song by Staind.
"I've got some imperfections, but how can you collect them all and throw them in my face?"

The words are a lyrics from a song by Eminem.
"Just lose it" AH AH AH AH AH!

And here's one made by me, not that that matters or anything because I don't expect to be given any sort of credit. :] The words are from a song by Nelly Furtado and Timbaland.
"You could mean everything to me."

Well, that's all for today.
Want moar liek this? Leave a comment and let me know. :]
Also, leave a comment with more suggestions for what you'd like to see.

These Feelings Won't Go Away


so yeah just because I can I give you dorkdom!




POSTER: Cheeze

Just so ya know, this is (mostly) copied from my Facebook profile because I'm too lazy to write another. XD

I'm just an overworked college student. I practically live in the Fine Arts buildings out here at the University of Neverland, studying Music Education, busting my butt and feeling inferior to the many great musicians I'm surrounded by. In my rare hours of downtime, I'll be found chilling in the student union with that loud group in the corner of one of the lounges, playing anything from Big Bad Voodoo Daddy to The Postal Service much too loudly from somebody's laptop, randomly cracking inside jokes and maybe constructing a couch fort or three. We're five very different people who just happen to hang out way too much... XD Naw, we really all care for one another in some way, I think. :]

Sometimes I feel like I'm on top of the world... finally in college, getting ready to live out my dream of being a teacher, kicking it with my awesome friends, in love with an amazing guy, learning to live for God. I have my rare moments of genius; and when I fail at life (which is a lot... I'm really good at putting my foot in my mouth), it's usually more funny than sad.

Other times I feel like I'm just a nobody, one of billions of In N Out-nourished students who don't get enough sleep, are easily embarrassed, and are mad at their parents. A casualty of our anxiety-prone society. Someone who wouldn't be missed... but I suppose I'm just learning what the world is really like. It might be tough, but so far I've managed to remember that it'll all be worth it in the end, and what doesn't kill me will ultimately strengthen me... someday.

Also, I'm not the kind of person who is good at hiding their emotions. I'm so bad at it in fact, I don't even really try anymore. ^_^; Coupled with the fact that I like to speak my mind, it gets me in trouble sometimes... okay, a lot. So if I like you or don't like you, you'll know, whether I want you to or not. I'm pretty shy at first but I really open up when I get comfortable with someone.

Well, what I'll mostly be posting here at BCHB will be music related or related to my other interests as outlined in my profile. I'll also be the one designing and changing the layouts here, maybe with a little help from Shan eventually as she is the resident art major. ;D

It's The End of The World As We Know It... (Panda's Bio)


...and yes all of the title needed capitals... so apparently we are doing bio's first and um I suppose one may also refer to me as Cacique, as per Shan's bio... anyway onward toward ignoring my brother while he bugs the shit out me and steals my sunglasses... damn starbucks...

So, I'm Panda...Hello? I guess as the apparent voice of reason and resident murderer of love, my posts here will be entirely random and put here mostly to annoy everyone else, especially my brother, whom I have been given the task of forcing to post here. Now onto myself, I'm a Psychology major at the supposed University of Neverland and my interests go towards helping people who don't know how to help themselves and eventual domination of the world. I'm manipulative, emotionally and mentally, and I enjoy reading and writing whenever I can. I would really prefer to read a book than watch tv. I have my own personal library of manga and am a fangirl of many things including yaoi. Usually I'm rather calm though I analyze and think entirely too much because I have yet to learn to turn it off.

I also have a quite eclectic taste in most things including music, movies, books, clothes, and fandoms. I enjoy rock including some of my favorite bands such as: the Beatles, Led Zepplin, Rush, Metalica, and AC/DC. I also enjoy some country, classical, swing, jazz, blues, pop, R&B, techno, electronica, motown, and even a few rap songs. The movies I enjoy is far too extensive of a list to put here so I won't but just know that I don't own nearly the amount of movies I wish I did. I enjoy many different books though most of them tend to be fantasy and I prefer manga to anime even though there are a few anime I really like. I wear clothes and I was a recovering Tranformers fan until they made the new movie which pulled me back down into the hell of Cybertronian design which I was previously inching my way out of. I will probably get bored sometimes and post random things about Transformers which most likely interests nobody but me. I was a 90's child and all things that happened in the 90's are applicable to the reasoning of why I am so screwed up and good luck to all other 90's children out there.

I'm not really a gamer but i do enjoy video games and I usually end up watching others play more than I play though recently all we've been doing is playing Rock Band. Um.... I really don't exactly have a name for my version of religious beliefs and it's not really definite enough for me to explain to someone else except that I deeply believe in spiritually and I think everyone needs something or someone to believe in. And we all need people to love and people to love us no matter who we are. I don't really have an interest in politics and I don't really follow the news because it's so depressing and if it's really important usually I'll hear about it somewhere and if it interests me I'll look into it and find out more.

Shan is my best friend and is really one of the only people that can pull me out of my shell and break down the mask I wear for the rest of the world. I'm not really sure what I would do without her and she is one of the people that have really kept me grounded in this life. Somtimes, I hate how apathetic she can be but sometimes it helps me to realize I'm being too emotional. And I can't think of anything else to write so I guess this is me. Oh yeah, I love mac n' cheese, it's the best food in the world and nothing gets better than creme soda.

So um.... until later, Ja!

April 14, 2008



Hi, I'm Shan, and I'm a karaoke addict. I'm a Fine arts major, with a focus in graphic design and a minor in business management at the University of Neverland. My passion is art, has been for as long as I can recall, I learned to draw before I could walk. I'm learning to play electric guitar and I'm decent at singing. I love to dance and want to learn to swing dance. I work at a hell-hole of a supermarket that for fear of violating some law shall be referred to as Shit's Food and Drug....or "Shit's" for short.

Cacique is my bff, end of story. She is my better judgment, and oh how I do hate her voice of reason. Seriously though, I love her, couldn't make it through the week without her help. I'm in love with classic horror films, Namely Nosferatu. I love Johnny Depp, especially in Sleepy Hallow and Sweeny Todd. I'm addicted to cartoons like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Duck Tales, Sponge Bob Square Pants, Tiny Toons, Tail Spin, Inuyasha, Trigun, Full Metal Alchemist, and D.N. Angel....yea, that's right, I went there. All time fav band is Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, if you don't know who they are, look them up on myspace, seriously, it will enrich your life. I also love pretty much any kind of swing, blues or jazz, I grew up listening to KISS and AC/DC along with White Snake and the Beetles, I know all the words to every beach boy song, I'm an usher fangirl, and if it was written by Santana I'm happy, and then who could forget about Daddy DJ and Crystal Method. I love anything written by Shakespear or Edgar Allen Poe, and I'm addicted to Robert Asprin books. Other than that, I'll read almost any poetry, except I hate Miya Angelou, I loathe that stuff.....ugh, I'll tell you why the caged bird sings, because someone needs to out a gun to it's head. Sorry, that was probably offensive, oh well, thats why there's mature content on here. :D

My fav games is a pretty extensive list, but I'll try to put down most of it. First of all, my fav gaming platform is the Nintendo game cube, and then I love the PS3! I am addicted to Zelda games. My fav was The Legend of Zelda and the Ocriana of Time, followed by Twilight Princess because it kicked ass, and Windwaker for it's utter cute-ness. I love old school gauntlet, though the one for the PS2 rocks as well. I love Grand Terismo A-Spec, and I'm getting GT5-Prelude this tuesday, yea, I pre-ordered, and it'll be worth it. Heavenly sword was sweet, it was like God of War with better graphics and a half naked chick. BTW, God of war was an all time fav, classic. Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 are both still awesome and I can't wait for Kingdom Hearts X. Assassins Creed was the best game for the PS3, seriously! Then I loved Black, that was just cool....I mean, explosions and murder with no plot, what more could you ask for? And who could forget to mention the best game ever, pong? Pong kicked ass.

Anyway, I am the founder of my own cult, The Church of Chaos, and it rocks. If ya wanna join, just send me your soul. But seriously, I'm what most people would call "Wiccan", but they would be wrong in doing so because I'm NOT. I'm Druid. There is a difference. Druids worship the earth and the natural balance of things, Wiccans do magic. Yes, I'm about to educate you on a very old religion that you most likely don't know much about. Druidism originated in Scotland and Ireland. Yes, it's member worship deities, we also worship the planet though. The most important thing in my spirituality is balance and karma. Yes, I use the hindu word Karma, that's because modern Druidism is not based souly in Celtic traditions, plus, I like the word. I believe in reincarnation and Avalon. In case you've only read King Arther and don't know, Avalon is the mythological island where faye reside and spirits who are waiting to be reborn reside. I observe equinoxes and solstices as my holy days. My patron goddess is Artemis, the Virgin Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt, guardian of the forest, and patron to young girls.

And this is pretty much me in a nut shell. There is more to me, but way to much to get into detail about for right now. Sorry guys, this is just what you'll have for starters.