January 20, 2009



Wow... We haven't posted on here in a long time... Well I was bored so I deicided to write something, even though I'm not even sure yet what I'm going to write about. So yeah, a New Semester is starting along with a New Year, and hopefully we can take into consideration all the things we've experienced from our past and see them with a more objective view giving us the lessons we have learned and the lessons we still need to learn. None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes but what is important is that we can move on to hopefully better and brighter things. And for this new year, I want to be truer to myself and thereby more real with the rest of the world and I really need to stop hiding from everything. And I believe that I've learned to problem with making promises to oneself as in the end they are promises and not real so I'm not making promises I'm just going to do the things I know I should do. I need to take care of myself better, do my work, and definitely be a better friend. I can't ignore my responsibilities and I need more structure in my life. I'm going to get a planner and start planning my days and making sure I reach the goals that I make. Hopefully this will help me become a better person and help me to make decisions about what I'm going to do with my life. I still don't want to look too far into the future because I believe that there is no certainty to any of it, but I believe making some plans can't be a bad idea.

So there... that's what I'm going to try to do and hopefully my friends and family won't be negative on my decision to try to better myself. I want to be a healthier person and I'm going to do what I can to do that. I can no longer project my insecurities on others and let my anxieties run rampant. Hopefully, I can find my voice and remember how to use it.

So now that my ranting is over have a fun picture and please enjoy your day!^^ (P.S. I'm thinking about cutting my hair... it's starting to bother my neck... and annoy me... I love it so much but maybe it's a good idea to let it go... I can always grow it back out again if I don't like it shorter... Any ideas?)
