POSTER: ShanHave you ever felt numb inside and angry at the world? Every little thing sets you off, either making you mad or making you cry. I feel that way right now, I'm torn. Stuck between the fleeting moments of joy when I can laugh and not worry about a thing, and then heartbroken when I have to stop to think and remember that the world is cold and bitter and that I know to many truths. I miss being seven when I would giggle and throw a rock at a boy if I liked him, then go back to doing whatever I was before and never think about him again. I miss being ten when friends didnt go behind friends backs and if you had something to say to a person you just said it. I miss being 17 and thinking I was in love. No, I WAS in love, I didn't just think I was. It was real, but it wasnt what I needed, or even wanted even, and it wasnt what I want the rest of my life to be. I miss being stubborn so that everything was in shades of black and white, no greys and no misunderstandings. I miss when everything made sense and my biggest concern was what I was wearing to prom.
I love college, its been great so far and I think it will only get better. I love that I've grown into my own person with my own views and opinions and that I can back up all of those. I love that Ive learned to see there is more than one right answer and always more than one wrong answer. I love that Ive learned loving someone and being in love with someone are two different things. I love that Ive learned when to stand up for my friends and when to let them do their own fighting. I love that Ive learned which fights to take up, and which arent worth the battle.
Ive learned a few very good lessons in these past three years. And here's what they surrmount to:
-Never fight with your best friend unless your willing to give up that friendship(Tsuki, goodbye forever)
-Never fall in love with someone who you know will break your heart(Eddie, I value our friendship to much to keep waiting for you to like me)
-Never judge a book by its cover, or first ten chapters for that matter. It may take a while to get good, but most "books" usually do(Bob with 2 Bs, Im glad I got to know you)
-Dont yell at your friends because youve lost something important to you, they had nothing to do with it.(Sorry Cheeze)
-You can't fix the world by breaking necks and kneecapping idiots(No matter how much better it will make me feel)
-Dont trust anyone whos thrown you into traffic, even if they were "Joking"(I'm Not Sorry. You've lost my trust)
-Dont work yourself to death(We like you better alive, Jo-Z)
-Dont ever stop fighting for what you belive in.